Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions that we receive.
If you have a question not listed, please feel free to contact us:

Phone: (866) 378-9758
Amateur Licencing:
Professional Licencing:


Our Licence Agreement expressly states that the show you licence must be performed as written. Changing the show – including altering the music, lyrics, book, and/or switching the gender of a character or changing the period setting – is a serious violation of the authors’ rights and is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized alteration of material may result in losing your performance licence.

Questions about any proposed change, addition, omission, interpolation, or alteration in the music, lyrics, or book of the Play shall first be submitted in writing to Theatrical Rights Worldwide (TRW). If permission is granted by the Authors, TRW will advise you in writing.

Yes. Subject to approval, TRW can grant you permission for the use of individual songs and scene cuttings for participation in theatre competitions, festivals and individual performance contests.

Yes. As copyrighted works, every musical represented by TRW requires a performance licence agreement each and every time it is presented whether admission is being charged or not or even if the show is a remounting of a previous production.

Once you’ve decided on the show(s) you’d like to present, complete and submit our on-line licence application (you may do so on-line using our “apply for a licence” icon or print it out and fax or mail it) which asks for the following information:

  • The account number, name, address, phone and fax numbers of your organization; the contact person’s name and email address to whom all correspondence should be forwarded; and the delivery address to which all materials should be shipped.
  • The title of the musical(s) you wish to present.
  • The scheduled opening and closing dates, the total number of performances scheduled, and the number of performances in each month of your run.
  • The name and address of the venue in which the musical will be presented. The seating capacity and the average attendance at each performance.
  • The top and lowest ticket prices being charged for the production.

Sometimes restrictions are put in place on when and where shows can be performed, due to existing exclusive licences and other factors. Before you apply. we recommend getting in touch with the team at to see if a title is restricted.

Upon receipt of a fully completed application, we will issue a Licence Agreement to you setting forth the royalty and performance materials fees. When you receive the Licence Agreement, check the information carefully, fill out all sections on the Production Terms Order Form, sign it, and return it to TRW along with payment of all fees. It is only upon receipt by TRW of the executed Production Terms Order Form along with payment that your performance rights are secured. The Licence Agreement is only valid for three months from the date of issue. Should you decide not to present the musical, you are under no obligation to proceed.

Unfortunately no. Licencing is a legal process, so everyone involved needs to be over the age of 18 and a legal representative of the group. As a student, you don’t apply. Please have a teacher, professor, or administrator apply for you.

Yes. Perusal Packs can be ordered through our digital download service, PerusalsNOW, which provides immediate access.

Perusal Packs can be ordered with a School Purchase Order by faxing the Purchase Order and requested titles to 212-643-1322, or scanning and e-mailing them to

A Perusal Pack consists of the libretto, vocal range sheet and piano score sampler. In many instances, audio recordings of the scores are available to assist you (many are on iTunes). If you have questions, email or call 646-736-3232.

For most TRW titles, we can offer you permission to create a video of your production. A Video Licence Agreement, outlining special conditions and usage limitations must be completed and returned with the required fees. For more information on creating this wonderful personal keepsake and archival record, please contact your licencing representative.

Royalty Fee
Royalties are monies authors collect for the performance of their work. A royalty is due whenever the show is presented, regardless of audience size or whether admission is being charged. Therefore, even if the show is performed for competitions, festivals, benefits, or classroom presentation, a Licence Agreement is always required. However, TRW will review your particular information to determine applicable royalty fees for your production.

Performance materials
Performance materials usage fees are charged for scripts, scores, and other materials we supply to you for your rehearsals and production. The performance materials include director’s scripts, libretti, vocal books, piano-vocal scores and orchestral parts, and are the only authorized performance materials for each musical. For UK and international customers, you can receive digital performance materials at a lower cost.


A perusal is an advanced copy of the libretto a customer may “peruse” to help decide if a particular show is a good fit for your audiences and theater. Included in a perusal is the full script and a sampling of the score. TRW offers perusal in both a digital (PerusalsNOW) and hard copy format (a printed and bound copy). Currently we only offer hard copy perusals to customers located in the United States.

No. A perusal offers just a small sampling of that title’s score and the orchestral information.

No! The Perusal Pack is yours to keep and consult when you’re choosing your NEXT musical.

PerusalsNow are easy to download PDFs of the script, vocal ranges & partial score. Anyone that has the ability to open a PDF document, can open the perusal.

To access your downloads, click on the “My Account” link, then under the heading “Orders & Downloads” select “View Available Digital Downloads” to start perusing!

Yes. Perusal Packs can be ordered through our digital download service, PerusalsNOW, which provides immediate access.

Perusal Packs can be ordered with a School Purchase Order by faxing the Purchase Order and requested titles to 212-643-1322, or scanning and e-mailing them to

A Perusal Pack consists of the libretto, vocal range sheet and piano score sampler. In many instances, audio recordings of the scores are available to assist you (many are on iTunes). If you have questions, email or call 646-736-3232.


Our Licence Agreement expressly states that the show you licence must be performed as written. Changing the show – including altering the music, lyrics, book, and/or switching the gender of a character or changing the period setting – is a serious violation of the authors’ rights and is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized alteration of material may result in losing your performance licence.

Questions about any proposed change, addition, omission, interpolation, or alteration in the music, lyrics, or book of the Play shall first be submitted in writing to Theatrical Rights Worldwide (TRW). If permission is granted by the Authors, TRW will advise you in writing.

You are not required to return any part of your performance materials – mark them up and personalize them as you see fit! We also offer digital performance materials for our customers’ convenience.

Upon receipt of a fully completed application, we will issue a Licence Agreement to you setting forth the royalty and performance materials fees. When you receive the Licence Agreement, check the information carefully, fill out all sections on the Production Terms Order Form, sign it, and return it to TRW along with payment of all fees. It is only upon receipt by TRW of the executed Production Terms Order Form along with payment that your performance rights are secured. The Licence Agreement is only valid for three months from the date of issue. Should you decide not to present the musical, you are under no obligation to proceed.

For Professional customers from the US and Latin America, our contact information is as follows:

Theatrical Rights Worldwide
1180 Avenue of the Americas, Suite 640
New York, NY 10036
866-378-9758 (toll free)
212-643-1322 (fax)

For customers outside these regions, please see the Contact Us page for your regional office.

To obtain licencing rights, click on “Apply For A Licence” at the top of our homepage, select “Professional” and fill out your corresponding information. Most requests will be responded to within about 2 business days. Requests that need to be submitted for approval may take longer.

You can order both digital and paper perusals through the website. Simply click on “PerusalsNOW” at the top of the homepage and select the show that you are interested in to place your order.

AMATEUR CUSTOMERS: To contact TRW with any questions, our contact information is as follows:

Theatrical Rights Worldwide
1180 Avenue of the Americas, Suite 640
New York, NY 10036
866-378-9758 (toll free)
212-643-1322 (fax)

To obtain licencing rights, click on “Apply For A Licence” at the top of our homepage, select “Amateur” and fill out your corresponding information. Most requests will be responded to within about 2 business days. Requests that need to be submitted for approval may take longer.

You can order both digital and paper perusals through the website. Simply click on “PerusalsNOW” at the top of the homepage and select the show that you are interested in to place your order.

Yes. Perusal Packs can be ordered through our digital download service, PerusalsNOW, which provides immediate access.

Perusal Packs can be ordered with a School Purchase Order by faxing the Purchase Order and requested titles to 212-643-1322, or scanning and e-mailing them to

A Perusal Pack consists of the libretto, vocal range sheet and piano score sampler. In many instances, audio recordings of the scores are available to assist you (many are on iTunes). If you have questions, email or call 646-736-3232.

A TRW School Edition is a slightly reworked version of the full original Broadway script. The School Edition has been carefully edited, with additional director’s notes throughout, to make the show more producible for high school groups. In some cases problematic language has been changed, while in others an alternate choice is offered at the discretion of the director. Each School Edition has been field tested at numerous high schools under the supervision of a teacher/director with forty years’ experience in educational theatre. Every effort has been made to provide more opportunities for female actors. Reference is made to this in both the CHARACTERS list as well as in the director’s notes throughout the script.

Young@Part® is the authorized 65-70 minute edition of the Broadway musical for elementary and middle schools, and youth theatres. Through a series of workshops with industry professionals and actual kids, the Young@Part® musicals are tailor-made for younger actors. Song keys are changed where needed, songs and scenes are edited for time and content, while keeping the spirit of the original Broadway show intact. There are great parts for girls, boys and can feature any size ensemble/chorus, who are featured throughout the show.


Yes! If you feel your play or musical is ready for production, please send a hard copy of your script, hard copy samples of your music (for example: piano-vocal music), and an audio CD or thumb drive, as well as any production history (regional theatre, new work festival, or educational environment) to TRW to:

Bay Wellington
Director of Submissions
Theatrical Rights Worldwide
1180 Avenue of the Americas, Suite 640
New York, NY 10036

Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you would like your materials returned.