Hook’s Tale

Family Adventure


Captain James Hook (née Cook), badly maligned by a certain play and despised by generations of Peter Pan fans, finally gets to clear his name. The good Captain, with the aid of his friend Smee, tells his life-story in this family-friendly play, recounting his friendship with and ultimate betrayal by Peter Pan, his romance with Tiger Lily, his familial relationship with the Darling family, and his adoption of a lovable crocodile named Daisy. In narrating his tale, he uncovers the hidden treasure of Neverland, discovers the identity of his long-lost father, and learns the importance of growing up and growing old.

Casting & Production



JAMES HOOK (née Cook), by reputation a pirate

SMEE, Hook’s right-hand (literally) man, who sports at least one very bad (misspelled?) tattoo

Time and Place:
Duke of York Theatre, London, approximately 1938—and many other places far, far away….

Production Notes

The Set:
The wooden deck of a ship. There is a staircase or ship’s ladder descending from the poop deck, at least one mast (behind which a tiny Cotswold cottage, and various other props may be stored), ropey rigging, barrels below filled with skeletons and wooden bats and buckets above filled with water, a board forming a make-shift table holding various props as needed, a wind-machine, thunder-sheet, and whatever items necessary for certain sound effects (Smee produces these, when appropriate), a big old-fashioned lighting board with several large levers (Smee controls the lights too, though of course he doesn’t really) and a place of concealment where Smee can don whatever costumes he needs. In working the lights or producing sound, Smee is often (especially as the play progresses) shrouded in darkness.


“Rollicking… [Hook’s Tale] satisfyingly upends all the familiar elements of Barrie’s children’s story. A splendid yarn.”

—Publishers Weekly

“…the myths of Neverland are expertly woven together with a coming-of-age story. Wildly imagined, with Easter eggs for Peter Pan fans along the way, Hook’s Tale…was highly entertaining and well-told…”

—San Francisco Book Review (5 stars)

“…a deliciously complex story of Dickensian dimensions…”

—Hudson Valley Magazine