Off Peak

1f, 1m


When two old flames run into each other on the evening commute, different views of the same past threaten to derail their connection. A new play about forgiving, forgetting, and the healing power of a good delay.

Casting & Production



SARITA Female. Age: 50s. Any race/ethnicity.

MARTIN Male. Age: 50s. Any race/ethnicity


“Brenda Withers’s sly, smart, often very funny one-act, presented by Hudson Stage Company, Martin has apology on his agenda, and explanation, and restitution. But Sarita won’t exactly let him get away with it. She has her own feelings about the time they spent together. In the course of the next hour and a quarter, the writer, actors, and director, Jess Chayes, provide a natural, nuanced, complex portrait: what kind of people these are, were, might have been, might still be…You can believe that this is exactly how a weird encounter of this kind would go, Withers’s script providing an abundance of emotional and intellectual twists and turns—no apothecaries necessary.”

— Ken Marks, The New Yorker