Sensitive Guys

Dramatic Comedy
5w or 5nb


The Men’s Peer Education group at Watson College is dedicated to unpacking and exposing male privilege. These “sensitive guys” believe that through increased self-awareness they can end sexual violence on campus; but when a shocking rumor surfaces, the group is shaken to the core. Sensitive Guys features a cast of women and gender nonconforming actors, double-cast as male and female characters, who try to understand men who are trying to understand masculinity.

Casting & Production


Men’s Peer Education Group
DANNY: Facilitator. Founder. Senior. White. Upper middle class.
TYLER: Co-Facilitator. Founder. Senior. Black. Middle class.
JORDAN: Senior. White. Well-off.
PETE: Sophomore. Working class. Latino and/or Asian-American.
WILL: New guy. Freshman. Working class. White.

Survivor Support Group
DIANA: President. Founder. Upper-middle-class.
TRACY: Co-President and founder. Working class.
KATIE: Vice President. Working class.
AMY: Secretary. Well-off.
LESLIE: New girl. Working class.

ALSO the adults:
ADMISSIONS OFFICER: played by the person playing LESLIE/WILL
DEAN: played by the person playing AMY/PETE
JONES: played by the person playing KATIE/JORDAN

Casting Note:
All the characters are played by people who identify as women, nonbinary, or gender non-conforming.
Originally cast with 5 actors with the following roles double-cast:
DANNY is double-cast with DIANA
TYLER is double-cast with TRACY
JORDAN is double-cast with KATIE
PETE is double-cast with AMY
WILL is double-cast with LESLIE


Watson College. A small liberal arts college. A classroom where student
meetings happen. It smells like glue and sharpies. There are some radical posters on the walls and books on the shelves. Also various offices.

Spring semester.

A / means the following line overlaps starting at the slash.


“Though I had to sit up to full-throated laugh at regular intervals, I mostly perched at the edge of my seat in captivated enjoyment, still thinking about the ideas a day later.”
—The Philadelphia Inquirer

“Kaufman wisely plots out the rest of the story in elusive droplets, finagling the characters to wheedle past each other searching for clues and answers.”
—The Houston Press

Upcoming Productions

May 0911, 2025
Marymount Manhattan College
New York, NY

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