Three Sisters

drama, Adaptation
5w, 9m


Raised in Moscow, Ólga, Másha, and Irína are stuck in a rural town they hate. Ólga is a schoolteacher, Másha is in a loveless marriage, and today is Irína’s 22nd birthday and the first anniversary of their father’s death. Friends visit, including Colonel Vershínin, the new dashing army base commander. Soon, the married colonel and Másha begin a passionate affair. Irína, meanwhile, has two suitors, but loves neither. The situation is like a dry forest waiting for a spark. When the smoke clears, one of Irina’s suitors has killed the other, and Vershinin must leave Másha when the army closes the base. The siblings are left to wonder what their suffering means and if there’s any reason to still hope.

Casting & Production


<strong>Andréy Prózorov</strong>
<strong>Ólga</strong>, his sister
<strong>Másha</strong>, his sister
<strong>Irína</strong>, his sister
<strong>Natásha</strong>, Andréy’s fiancée, later his wife
<strong>Kulýgin</strong>, Másha’s husband, a high-school teacher
<strong>Vershínin</strong>, colonel, battery commander
<strong>Baron Túzenbach</strong>, first lieutenant
<strong>Solyóny</strong>, captain
<strong>Chebutýkin</strong>, army doctor
<strong>Fedótik</strong>, second lieutenant
<strong>Róhde</strong>, second lieutenant
<strong>Freeport</strong>, janitor at the County Council, an old man
<strong>Anfísa</strong>, the Prózorov’s eighty-year-old nurse


The action takes place in and around the Prózorov’s house over the course of several years.


“Enabled by…Paul Schmidt’s contemporized translation, the great naturalist’s restrained sub-textual exploration of psychic disquiet is muscled to the surface and pressed to flower right from the get-go…”
—DC Theatre Scene

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Apr 29May 03, 2026
Univ of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Milwaukee, WI

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