Not the Messiah (He’s a Very Naughty Boy)
(2 hrs)
(2 hrs)
Musical Comedy
Symphony Orchestra, Chorus, Actors
Best for Schools, Community & Pro Theatres
The Odyssey
90 minutes
Musical Fantasy/Adventure
4f, 16m, 1 Kid, Ensemble
Best for Schools, Community & pro Theatres
The Olympians
(2.5 hrs)
(2.5 hrs)
Musical Comedy
7f, 3m, Ensemble
Best for Schools, Community, & Pro Theatres
On Your Feet!
(2.5 hrs)
(2.5 hrs)
Musical Drama
4F, 2M, 2 Kids, Ensemble
Best for Schools, Community & Pro Theatres
The Other Josh Cohen
90 minutes
Musical Comedy
2M, Ensemble
Best for Community & Pro Theatres
Pinkalicious the Musical
45-60 minutes
Musical Comedy
3F, 2M, Ensemble
best for Schools, Community & Youth Theatres